Unveiling Adobe Analytics: Revenue Calculation Simplified

In the realm of Adobe Analytics, the calculation of revenue is a fundamental concept that aids businesses in understanding their financial performance. This article walks you through how revenue is computed in Adobe Analytics.

Key Takeaways

  • Revenue is a key metric tracked in Adobe Analytics.
  • Revenue calculation requires proper implementation of product strings and currency codes.
  • Revenue is typically tracked in the ‘Orders’ and ‘Revenue’ variables.

Introduction to Revenue in Adobe Analytics

Revenue, a crucial metric for any business, represents the total amount of money generated by the sale of goods or services. In Adobe Analytics, revenue is tracked using specific variables and requires correct implementation to ensure accurate and meaningful data.

The Importance of Accurate Revenue Tracking

Accurate revenue tracking provides businesses with a clear understanding of their financial performance, enabling them to make informed decisions. It can highlight successful products or services, identify trends, and guide future strategies.

Tracking Revenue in Adobe Analytics

To track revenue in Adobe Analytics, you’ll need to correctly implement ‘product strings’. A product string is a piece of code added to the webpage that captures product-related data, including the product’s name, category, and revenue.

Implementing Product Strings

A typical product string might look something like this: s.products="Category;Product;Quantity;Price"

In this string:

  • ‘Category’ represents the product category.
  • ‘Product’ is the name of the product.
  • ‘Quantity’ is the number of units sold.
  • ‘Price’ is the unit price of the product.

The revenue for a particular product is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the price. Adobe Analytics automatically sums up the revenue for all products to provide the total revenue.

Currency Conversion in Adobe Analytics

If you’re selling products in different countries and currencies, Adobe Analytics can convert all revenues into a single, standard currency. For this, you’ll need to specify a currency code in your tracking code and set up a base currency in Adobe Analytics.

Revenue Variables in Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics typically tracks revenue in the ‘Orders’ and ‘Revenue’ variables:

  • The ‘Orders’ variable is incremented each time a purchase is made and can be correlated with other variables for more detailed analysis.
  • The ‘Revenue’ variable holds the total revenue from each purchase.

Analyzing Revenue Data

Once your revenue data is being tracked correctly, you can use Adobe Analytics’ reporting tools to analyze this data:

  1. Use the ‘Reports’ tab to view your revenue data.
  2. Use segmentation tools to filter your data and gain deeper insights.


Understanding how revenue is calculated in Adobe Analytics is crucial for accurate financial tracking and informed decision-making. By correctly implementing product strings and setting up your revenue variables, you can gain valuable insights into your business’s financial performance.

About Ruslan Vorobiev

A seasoned Adobe Analytics expert with over 7 years of in-depth experience in digital analytics, Ruslan Vorobiev has a proven track record of leveraging data to drive business strategy, optimize user engagement, and enhance customer experiences. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for data-driven decision making, Ruslan has helped several Fortune 500 companies transform their digital presence through insightful analytics and strategic recommendations.
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