Harnessing the Power of Props in Adobe Analytics

In Adobe Analytics, “props,” short for “properties,” are custom traffic variables that allow businesses to collect data about specific user interactions on their website or application.

Key Takeaways

  • Props in Adobe Analytics are custom traffic variables used to track user interactions.
  • Props are used to collect non-unique, hit-level data that can be used in pathing reports.
  • The implementation of props requires a good understanding of your business needs and the correct setup.
  • Using props effectively can provide valuable insights into user behavior and website performance.

Exploring Props in Adobe Analytics

Props, or properties, in Adobe Analytics are custom traffic variables that businesses can configure to track specific user interactions. Unlike eVars (conversion variables), props collect non-unique, hit-level data, meaning they record the total number of interactions with a given element, even if they come from the same user.

The Role of Props in Adobe Analytics

Props play an essential role in Adobe Analytics:

Tracking User Interactions

Props allow businesses to track specific user interactions, such as clicks on a particular button or views of a specific page.

Generating Pathing Reports

Since props collect hit-level data, they can be used to generate pathing reports, which show the sequence of pages that users visit on a website.

Types of Props in Adobe Analytics

Although props are customizable, there are some common types that many businesses find useful:

  1. Page Name Prop: This tracks the names of the pages visited by users.
  2. Navigation Prop: This tracks the navigation elements (like buttons or links) users interact with.
  3. Search Term Prop: This tracks the terms users search for on a website.

Setting Up Props in Adobe Analytics

Setting up props in Adobe Analytics involves several steps:

  1. Identify What to Track: Determine what user interactions are important to your business.
  2. Configure the Prop: This involves setting up the appropriate prop in Adobe Analytics.
  3. Implement the Prop: Add the prop code to your website or application.

Using Prop Data in Analysis

Once props are set up, the collected data can be used in various ways:

  • User Behavior Analysis: Analyze the prop data to understand user behavior and preferences.
  • Website Performance Evaluation: Use the data to evaluate the performance of different elements of your website.

Applying Prop Insights

The insights gained from props can be applied in several ways:

  • Website Optimization: Use insights to optimize your website or application, improving usability and user satisfaction.
  • Strategy Development: Use user behavior insights to develop or refine your online strategies.


Props in Adobe Analytics offer a unique way to track user interactions and collect valuable hit-level data. By setting up and using props effectively, businesses can gain insights into user behavior and website performance, which can be used to optimize their online presence and develop effective digital strategies. Thus, mastering the use of props in Adobe Analytics can be a significant asset for any business aiming to improve its online performance.

About Ruslan Vorobiev

A seasoned Adobe Analytics expert with over 7 years of in-depth experience in digital analytics, Ruslan Vorobiev has a proven track record of leveraging data to drive business strategy, optimize user engagement, and enhance customer experiences. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for data-driven decision making, Ruslan has helped several Fortune 500 companies transform their digital presence through insightful analytics and strategic recommendations.
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