Enriching Insights: Sending Data to Adobe Analytics

Data is at the heart of Adobe Analytics, driving the insights and understanding that underpin effective decision-making. Adobe Analytics offers several methods to send data to the platform, ensuring that your analytics are fueled by the most relevant and comprehensive data available.

Key Takeaways

  • Adobe Analytics supports multiple data sending methods.
  • These methods include JavaScript tagging, mobile SDKs, data insertion API, and offline data import.
  • Each method has distinct uses and benefits.
  • Properly sending data to Adobe Analytics ensures accurate, comprehensive, and actionable insights.

Understanding Data Sending Methods

Adobe Analytics uses multiple methods to collect data and send it to the platform. These methods include:

  1. JavaScript Tagging: JavaScript tags are pieces of code placed on your website to collect visitor data.
  2. Mobile SDKs: Software development kits (SDKs) are used to send data from mobile applications.
  3. Data Insertion API: The data insertion API allows you to send server-side data directly to Adobe Analytics.
  4. Offline Data Import: This method allows you to import data collected outside of Adobe Analytics.

JavaScript Tagging

JavaScript tagging involves placing Adobe Analytics’ JavaScript code (AppMeasurement) on your website. This code collects data about visitor behavior and sends it to Adobe Analytics.

Steps to Implement JavaScript Tagging

  1. Download the JavaScript File: Download the AppMeasurement.js file from Adobe Experience Cloud.
  2. Configure the File: Add your report suite ID and other configuration details to the file.
  3. Place the Code on Your Website: Add the configured AppMeasurement.js code to your website’s pages.

Mobile SDKs

Mobile SDKs allow you to collect and send data from mobile apps. Adobe provides SDKs for several platforms including iOS, Android, and React Native.

Steps to Implement Mobile SDKs

  1. Download the SDK: Download the Adobe Analytics SDK for your mobile platform.
  2. Integrate the SDK: Integrate the SDK into your mobile app using Adobe’s integration guides.
  3. Configure the SDK: Configure the SDK with your report suite ID and other necessary details.

Data Insertion API

The data insertion API is a server-side method to send data to Adobe Analytics. This is particularly useful when you need to collect data not easily captured by JavaScript tags or mobile SDKs.

Steps to Use the Data Insertion API

  1. Prepare Your Data: Prepare your data according to Adobe’s data format requirements.
  2. Send the Data: Send the data to Adobe Analytics using an HTTP POST request to Adobe’s data insertion API.

Offline Data Import

Offline data import allows you to import data collected outside of Adobe Analytics, such as offline sales data or customer survey results.

Steps to Implement Offline Data Import

  1. Prepare Your Data: Prepare your data in a CSV file, following Adobe’s data formatting guidelines.
  2. Import the Data: Use Adobe’s Data Sources tool to import your data.


Sending data to Adobe Analytics is a crucial step in leveraging the platform’s powerful analytics capabilities. By understanding and implementing the appropriate data sending methods for your needs, you can ensure that your Adobe Analytics reports are backed by comprehensive, accurate, and actionable data. Remember, the more relevant data you have, the richer your insights will be.

About Ruslan Vorobiev

A seasoned Adobe Analytics expert with over 7 years of in-depth experience in digital analytics, Ruslan Vorobiev has a proven track record of leveraging data to drive business strategy, optimize user engagement, and enhance customer experiences. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for data-driven decision making, Ruslan has helped several Fortune 500 companies transform their digital presence through insightful analytics and strategic recommendations.
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